Developed by Tasso Spanos, Certified Trigger Point Myotherapist and Exercise Therapist, in 1982 at Chautauqua Institution.
After using Trigger Point Myotherapy on a patient, trigger points are released and the muscle suddenly relaxes. At that time, Mr. Spanos gently stretches the offended muscle in order to restore it to a normal range of motion. This special stretch exercise is then given to the patient to be done at home. It is in this way that the patient continues to improve. buy tramadol online ambien online pharmacy ativan online no prescription klonopin online without prescription buy soma online no prescription
The FEELING BETTER EXERCISE VIDEO contains 100 of these special stretch exercises. On the video Mr. Spanos first announces the particular pain or weakness problem and then gives the specific gentle stretch exercise to fix that problem. Problems are discussed and gentle stretch exercises for the whole body are demonstrated. Included are chair exercises, standing warm-ups, techniques on walking and floor exercises. The tape ends with a wonderful relaxation section!
DVDs can be ordered from The Center for Pain Treatment (412) 431-9180